Presets Bundle Free Download

무료 다운로드 benj ™ | 프리셋 번들


파일은 구매시 이메일을 통해 전송됩니다. // (xmp, lrtemplate, dng, pdf)


이것이 제가 여러분에게 공유하고있는 제 시그니처 스타일입니다. 즐기시기 바랍니다 🙂



28 프리셋


(11) muted ™ 사전 설정 (Mundane 시리즈)


1. 01_muted.xmp


2. 01 + _muted.xmp


3. 02_muted.xmp


4. 02_CoolTemp.xmp


5. 03_muted.xmp


6. 04_muted.xmp


7. 05_muted.xmp


8. 06_muted.xmp


9. 07_muted.xmp


10. 08_muted.xmp


11. 09_muted.xmp




(5) CINEMAPACK / 확장 (Cinematic Presets 시리즈)


1. 09_DeepCinema.xmp


2 09_DeepCinema_Light.xmp


3. 10_Indigo.xmp


4. 10_Indigo_Light.xmp


5. 11_Bronze_Cine.xmp


6. 11_Bronze_Cine_Light.xmp


7. 12_CineMatte.xmp


8. 12_CineMatte_Light.xmp


9. 13_BaseMatte_v2.xmp




(4) benj ™ CURVES


1. benj ™ _Curves_Polish.xmp


2. benj ™ _Curves_Polish_Cool.xmp


3. benj ™ _Curves_Flat.xmp


4. benj ™ _Curves_Flat_Cool.xmp




(1) PDF 파일




(4) 작업 프리셋


1. 작업 프리셋 1


2. 작업 프리셋 2


3. 작업 프리셋 3


4. 작업 사전 설정 4




* CINEMA PRELUDE 사전 설정은이 번들에 포함되어 있지 않습니다.

How To Apply Luts In After Effects

1. Make sure Effects & Presets panel is visible. If it’s not, 

go to Window > Effects & Presets and click on it so a check mark appears.

2. In the Effects & Presets panel search for the term “LUT?

3. Drag and drop Apply Color LUT option onto your footage

4. In the dialog box select the LUT you’d like to apply

5. You’ve successfully applied a LUT to your footage

How To Install In Camera Raw


For MAC & PC

To install ACR presets in Photoshop, please download and unzip the presets you purchased from us and place them in the following location:


• Mac(user)/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Camera Raw /Settings

• Win(user)/Application Data/Adobe/Camera Raw/Settings


C:Users-[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/CameraRaw/Settings


Make sure you only copy the preset files (.xmp) into the ‘settings’ folder, specified above, as folders are not supported in Camera Raw.

If you are on a Mac, the Library menu may be hidden, depending on your operating system. 

To reveal it, hold the Option key down while selecting the “Go” menu in the Finder.

If you’re still having troubles finding the ‘Settings’ folder, you can also save a file within ACR and search for it on your computer. 

When found make a shortcut to the ‘Settings’ folder either in your sidebar or as a desktop shortcut for easy access.

How To Install In Photoshop

How to Install 3D Luts in Photoshop 


1. Extract the LUTs from the downloadable .zip file.

2. Select the 3D LUTs you’d like to copy. Make sure you’re copying the 3D LUTs only and not the folder they’re in.

3. Copy the 3D LUTs in the following location: Applications > Adobe Photoshop CS/CC > Presets > 3DLUTs




1. Extract the LUTs from the downloadable .zip file.

2. Select the 3D LUTs you’d like to copy. Make sure you’re copying the 3D LUTs only and not the folder they’re in.

3. Copy the 3D LUTs in the following location: C: > Program Files > Adobe > Adobe Photoshop CS6/CC (64 Bit) > Presets > 3DLUTs

How To Install Presets In Lightroom


Open Lightroom


Go To: Edit • Preferences • Presets


Click On The Box Titled: Show Lightroom Presets Folder

Double Click on Lightroom

Double Click on Develop Presets

Copy The Folder(s) Of The Fine Art Preset Zip Into Develop Presets

Restart Lightroom



Open Lightroom

Go To: Lightroom (Dialogue) • Preferences • Presets

Click On The Box Titled: Show Lightroom Presets Folder

Double Click on Lightroom

Double Click on Develop Presets

Copy The Folder(s) Of The Fine Art Preset Zip Into Develop Presets

Restart Lightroom

How To Load Luts In FCPX

How To Load Luts In Premiere Pro CC